Foster homes are the life blood of our rescue. Without kind families who welcome in a homeless boston until a forever home is found", we couldn't keep rescuing. We are forever grateful to each foster home. They are truly life savers.
We have been volunteers for MABTR about ten years in various capacities including events, fundraising, transporting, and now mainly fostering for the past five years including over 70 fosters personally. We got started volunteering with MABTR with the adoption of “Rosie” a senior Boston.MABTR cares about giving each dog their best shot at a happy life which importantly includes complete vetting and fixing any known issues prior to adoption.
We got involved in rescue work because the need is very great. The dogs we save can’t find their way to happy forever lives without a little help along the way. Some of the challenges in working with a rescue animal is being able to let them go when your heart gets invested. We currently have two foster fails (keepers) and one we adopted from MABTR.
There is always another dog waiting for their chance and an open foster home. When we know a new foster is coming, we always wish we could whisper to them to hang on because their life is about to change for a million times better. Help is on the way.
Our favorite part about volunteering for MABTR is not only finding a wonderful home for our foster but getting updates about how they continue to grow and blossom and become their very best happy self really makes our day because we know they would not be there without our collective efforts from their early diamond-in-the- rough (ruff) days.
The most challenging part about volunteering for MABTR is not holding onto anger from some of the terrible situations the dogs come in from. We stay focused on the present where the dog is safe and getting care and its future where it will be loved forever, not its heart-breaking past.
Our advice to someone who is thinking about volunteering is DO IT. You are stronger than you think you are and on your worst down days, you can remember that you made a difference. While we can’t save them all, your efforts matter to this one, and this one, and this one…like starfish on a beach.
Learn more on how you help MidAmerica Boston Terrier Rescue
