for a job well done saving over 200 bostons in 7 months
Our objective is to be able to provide the medical care our dogs need AND to pay off our credit card each month.
In 2023 MABTR rescued 321 Bostons/Boston mixes and things are not slowing down. In just seven months we have rescued 214 bostons. Over 5100 since Nov 2005. Even though the cost per dog is on the rise, that will not stop us from providing the best care for our rescue dogs.
If our Bostons could talk they would thank all of you for your support over this past year/s. No gift, gesture or words are too small for our appreciation.
With that said we are asking each one of you to donate just $10.00
(or any amount) as a way of giving MABTR a HIGH F$VE for all their efforts and to continue the mission of saving lives one at a time.
Just $10.00, which is equivalent to OR less than:
a value meal at McDonald’s
a trip to Starbucks
6 pack of beer
and the list goes on
Help us continue to save more Bostons and provide the care they need.