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Ronnie - MABTR Alumni

Jennifer Misfeldt, MABTR

We adopted Ronnie James Dogo (formerly Rebel) in February of 2022 from MidAmerica Boston Terrier Rescue. Our 16 year old Boston had passed away in October of 2021 and our 10 year old chi mix rescue needed a new brother. Lucy was not sure about this quiet boy when he first arrived but wait as that quiet boy was no longer quiet after 2 weeks of settling in!

One month later he started to have cluster seizures and he spent the week of 4th of July with Blue Pearl for urgent diagnoses and getting a dedicated neurological team to help.

He spent the summer sunning outside with his sister, chasing the squirrels in the backyard and enjoying time at the lake. Like all Bostons, he hates winter so he’s spending his time now annoying his sister indoors, especially during the football games.

Ronnie is joy, all sweetness and fun. We continue working on controlling his seizures, his neurological team and his vet team love him and we’re all working on getting him better. We love him and so does anyone who meets him. He’s a sweet, sweet boy but watch out as he will no share his pillow, pillow hog.

Nancy C of MN


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