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MeeHo's Second Chance with MidAmerica Boston Terrier Rescue

Jennifer Misfeldt, MABTR

MeeHo arrived in MABTR care at the age of 18 mnths in July 2023. His surrendering family got him off line with the intent to keep him as a family pet. However when they arrived to pick him up they noticed his condition; swelling of the neck, tongue handing out and a large mass under the tongue. (before pictures). They knew he needed medical care so they took him in with no questions asked. Unfortunately the medical care would be expensive.

MABTR was contacted for help. His first surgery includes a goiter to be removed and a neuter plus all basica care such as vaccinations and HW test. His second surgery would open up the salivary gland exit under the tongue. MeeHo stayed at the clinic for 1.5 weeks to ensure that the surgery was successful and his salivary glands were working properly. He did go under a third time to remove the stretched skin under his neck.

MABTR's total medical bill for MeeHo came to $1,632.98 (which includes a discount). The MABTR adoption fee was $400 which is based on age, not our investment in medical care.

MidAmerica Boston Terrier Rescue Second Chances for all of our boston terrier rescues are made possible by donations. Every dollar counts. Thank you to everyone who has donated. Support MABTR's rescue mission by donating here.


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