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Dog Paws - red, stained, licking

Jennifer Misfeldt, MABTR

Why does my dog excessively lick his paws?

Something so common you've probably witnessed your dog doing it every day, and ignored it, telling yourself it's "natural" and they are "just grooming". In fact, there is always reason for a dog to lick their paws.

One thing to try first is a bath. Remember that dirt and allergens stick to a dog’s coat and it is not until they are washed with soap and water is dirt and allergens removed.

When should I give my dog a bath and how often? The answer varies. Ask yourself where your dog has been, walked and rolled in, then remind yourself he is coming into your home, into your bed and on your furniture bringing long anything on his feet and coat.

*Soaking your dog’s feet in Epsom salt can also provide relief.

When your dog should get bathed:

· After a visit to the dog park, dog event, lake, or forest

· After swimming

· After a visit to doggie daycare or boarding

· After rolling on the ground where a rabbit, rodent or worms laid.

If licking continues after a bath it could be one or more of the following items. Do not just assume behavior. Always weed out medical concerns.

1. allergies – food or/and environmental - number one cause for most dogs

2. a bad tooth

3. yeast infection

4. side affect to medication

5. discomfort, body ache, or pain – not specific to pain in the foot but other places on the body. This action takes their mind off the pain

6. anxiety - comforting motion

7. blister, cut, or cyst on the foot – could be a silver (foreign object) in the foot

8. broken or torn nail

Remember your dog cannot talk so you need to read the signs given to you and react.


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