This is Maggie. Adopted in 2021 at the age of 4. Still learning how to be a boston terrier after her life in a breeding farm. After loosing our other rescue we were so lonely and we then found Maggie. We drove overnight to get her.
We had to teach her most everything. She knew her name and leash walking. She loves cherrios. so we use them for training. She sits, lays down, and stays. She tells us if she wants some more food. She learned a doggie door within 2 days. Teaching her to play she now gets the zoomies to get us to play when she wants to play.
She goes shopping with us and loves the dog toys. She loves squeaking toys.
We have special needs children in our neighborhood she tells us when they are alone. She is shy around children and most people do not much trust unless we hold her.
I make her clothing since it does get cold here in Utah.
She sits at a window and knows what time daddy comes home. She greets him with hugs and kisses. She loves to get in a lap and have her belly rubbed.
Her health has been great. We found she had an allergy to beef and chicken and have adjusted her diet so she does not itch.
She loves road trips.
We could not live without her. She has her own personality.
Thanks to all the fosters parents who help these little ones find a great home.